Hey there, fellow believers! Today, let’s dive into the awe-inspiring truth found in Ephesians 2:6, where we see that we do not just wander aimlessly on this earth but sit in heavenly places in Christ Jesus. It’s like having front-row seats to the most incredible show in the universe—the unfolding story of God’s redemption and […]
Lights in the World: Embracing Our Role as His Light Bearers
Let’s embrace our role as lights in the world with joy and enthusiasm, knowing that we have been called and commissioned by the One who is the Light of the world.
Nurturing Our Mission: Cultivating Lasting Fruit
And when we embrace our calling to bear fruit, we become co-laborers with Christ in His mission to redeem and restore all things.
Embracing Our Role as Ambassadors for Christ
Being an ambassador for Christ isn’t always easy. It requires sacrifice, humility, and perseverance. But oh, is it worth it!
Sealed with the Holy Spirit: The Promise of Redemption
Well, it starts with a simple act of faith–believing that we indeed have been sealed with the Holy Spirit, chosen and cherished by God Himself.