The Bible is full of the life stories of broken people. From Adam and Eve introducing the curse, through the story of Noah and his family.
God’s Broken Vessels
There is hope for the broken vessels. God promises and tells his people throughout His word that His broken vessels are important to Him:
Just as it hurts me sometimes to see ‘Little Buddy’ crying because I have to take something from him, losing Veronica caused God great pain.
Sifted Like Wheat: The Trying of Our Faith
I meditated on what it meant to be sifted like wheat. Come to find out that that phrase is a metaphor meaning to shake someone apart.
Faith In God Always Outperforms Man’s Wisdom
In man’s ultimate knowledge and wisdom I was being foolish and weak. But God saw faith, and faith in God always trumps man’s belief that he knows better than God and his belief in his own strength.