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Something Is Awakening In Our World

Something Is Awakening

Something Is Awakening

There’s always been something stirring, but what I’m talking about is something different. Ancient orders of control are falling apart. Worldly systems are disintegrating before our eyes and the masters of those systems are desperate to keep them together. We are in the midst of a world on the brink of a Great Awakening to relationship with the One True God.

Well over 65 million people have left the organized church system. Some 60 percent of them have not forsaken God, but come to a realization of the true and living God in Jesus Christ and are endeavoring to live a simple life of love and community with God and each other. The system is crumbling.

The Exposing Of Evil

A massive worldwide pedophile/human trafficking ring is being exposed piece by piece. Major world political figures and leaders are being implicated and several have already been exposed. Hollywood, which seems to be a major hub for such activities, is becoming increasingly obsolete as more people tire of ‘La La Land’s’ disconnect from the real world. Their ‘summer of shame’ proves this. Yet so many of its ‘stars’ rally around her, desperate to salvage something of her former glory and their privilege of power and fame.

People Desire Freedom

Catalonia declared independence from Spain seeking to find their own way in this world much like the US did 245 years ago. Spain, much like Britain did with us, is seeking to stop this action from occurring. Desiring to maintain their power and control instead of allowing others to live free from oppression. There were reports of Spain seeking to assassinate the head of Catalonia’s 17,000 strong police force. The desire control over all.

In the US, an ‘outsider’ won the Presidency from a self-proclaimed ruling class. The people elected him. They wanted something other than what they have always been getting. No matter your feelings for President Trump, the people elected in in 2016 and in 2020 over 80 million voted for him. The desire for freedom in humanity is growing. The self-proclaimed ruling class and those they control are not happy. They spent four years seeking to oust him and now are still seeking to destroy him and his family.

Teetering On The Edge

We are at a tipping point around the globe. We are balancing between total tyranny and subjugation of the population to forces that seek only their own power and influence, and a path to a freer world where the people decide their own fates. It’s accelerating.

For decades, the world has been kept in a constant state of chaos and turmoil. Wars have been manufactured, terrorists have been created, attacks have been planned and enacted, ethnic groups have been pitted against one another, financial systems have been manipulated to crash and bring poverty to billions while creating outrageous wealth for the rulers, and innocents have been slaughtered by the thousands all in an attempt to move us to accept more and more control over our lives in exchange for our own safety.

There is something stirring, though. Something is awakening in the people around the world. It has slept for centuries. Maybe we are beginning to see that we can be free, that there are more of us than them, and that when we work together the powers in control no longer have control. 

Plato’s Cave

We are living the Allegory of Plato’s Cave. The philosopher describes a group of people chained in a cave all of their lives, facing a blank wall. The people watch shadows projected on the wall from objects passing in front of a fire behind them. The shadows are the prisoners’ reality. Socrates explains how the philosopher is like a prisoner who is freed from the cave and comes to understand that the shadows on the wall are not reality at all. The inmates of this place do not even desire to leave their prison; for they know no better life. The prisoners broke their bonds one day, only to discover that their reality is not what they thought. They discovered the sun, which Plato uses as an analogy for the fire that man cannot see behind.

Like the fire that cast light on the walls of the cave, the human condition is forever bound to the impressions that are received through the senses. Click To Tweet

It’s a slow process adjusting to the new reality we are experiencing. We still seem a bit groggy, but we are waking. It’s not good to awaken a sleeping giant.

Do you  feel it? Can you sense the awakening that is moving even now? Let me know what you’re sensing. Leave a comment here…

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