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Nurturing Our Mission: Cultivating Lasting Fruit

Cultivating Lasting Fruit

Hey there, fellow fruit-bearers!

Today, let’s dive into one of the most empowering truths found in John 15:16. So grab your favorite drink, get comfy, and let’s chat about what it means to be chosen and appointed by Christ to bear lasting fruit.

Life is full of choices, isn’t it? From the mundane decisions we make every day to the life-altering ones that shape our future, it sometimes feels like we’re constantly navigating a maze of options. But here’s the beautiful thing–when it comes to our purpose in Christ, someone has already chosen for us.

John 15:16 reminds us we didn’t choose Jesus–He chose us. And not only did He choose us, but He also appointed us with a specific purpose: to go and bear fruit, fruit that will last. Isn’t that incredible? It’s like being handpicked for a special assignment, entrusted with a mission that has eternal significance.

But what does it mean to bear lasting fruit in our lives?

Well, let’s unpack that a bit.

It’s about living a life that reflects the character of Christ. Similar to how a healthy tree produces good fruit, we should live lives marked by love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control–the fruit of the Spirit, as described by Paul in Galatians 5:22-23.

But here’s the thing–bearing fruit isn’t just about our personal growth and development. It’s also about making a difference in the lives of others. It’s about sharing the love and grace that we’ve received with those around us so that they, too, can experience the life-changing power of Christ.

You know, there’s something incredibly fulfilling about being part of something bigger than ourselves. It’s like we’re all interconnected, each one of us playing a unique role in God’s grand design. And when we embrace our calling to bear fruit, we become co-laborers with Christ in His mission to redeem and restore all things.

Here’s the kicker.

Bearing lasting fruit isn’t always easy. It often requires us to step out of our comfort zones, to take risks, and to persevere in the face of adversity. But the good news is that we don’t have to do it alone.

Just as Jesus promised His disciples in John 15:16, whatever we ask in His name, the Father will give us. That’s right – we have access to the same power and resources that Jesus himself had during His time on earth. Talk about a game-changer!

So, whether it’s asking for wisdom to navigate a difficult situation, strength to overcome temptation, or boldness to share the gospel with others–we can trust that God will equip us with everything we need to bear fruit that will last.

But perhaps the most beautiful thing about bearing lasting fruit is the way it brings glory to God. When others see the transformation taking place in our lives, when they witness the impact we’re making in the world–it’s like a shining beacon of hope, pointing them toward the one who makes it all possible.

So, my friends,

As we wrap up our little chat today, I want to leave you with this encouragement: embrace your calling to bear lasting fruit with all your heart. Trust that Christ has chosen and appointed you for such a time as this, and know that He will never leave you or forsake you.

Keep abiding in Him, keep pressing forward, and keep bearing fruit that will last. And above all, never forget just how deeply loved and cherished you are by the one who chose you.

Until next time, keep shining, keep growing, and keep spreading the love of Christ wherever you go. You’ve got this!

With love and blessings,


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