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Mount Shasta – Inspiration for The Progenitor Series

Mount Shasta

I first grew enamored with Mount Shasta inThe Secret of Bigfoot: Part 1. This was episode 17 of season 3 of The Six Million Dollar Man – a favorite of mine. Even before seeing this I was already captivated with the idea of Bigfoot/Sasquatch/The Yeti. I still am, just ask my wife, and plan on writing some stories on them one day. Yes, I know it wasn’t filmed there but at that time I was told it was and believed that was where Bigfoot lived. I was 5, what do you expect?

Anyway, the thought of that ancient extinct volcano never left me. Just the view of that magnificent mountain would leave me in wonder. Not only was it stunning, but there were so many legends and mysteries surrounding it. The least of which was that of the ancient civilizations of Lemuria and Atlantis, and their alleged survivors living in the city of “Telos” underneath the mountain.

Mount Shasta and Ancient Lemuria and Atlantis

People say Mount Shasta is a spiritual and cosmic energy point, a landing area for UFOs, and even the entry point that leads into the fifth dimension. Some even say it is the access point to underground civilizations – namely the remnants of the survivors of Atlantis and Lemuria. In 1884, Frederick S. Oliver, writer, and explorer, wrote a book entitled A Dweller on Two Planets where he speaks of elaborate underground tunnels and rooms where the descendants of the Atlanteans live.

As the legend goes, the ancient Lemurians, prior to the sinking of their continent, used their mastery of energy, crystals, and sound and vibrations, to hollow out a vast underground city (Telos). Their intention was to preserve their culture, treasures, and records of ancient Earth’s history that had been lost since the sinking of Atlantis.

Mount Shasta and The Progenitor Series

So where does all this fit in with The Progenitor Series? There’s a BIG CLUE in The Genesis Temple which I’m not going to reveal. You’ll have to buy and read the book. I can tell you that I will not reveal the mountain and its mysteries until the last book of the series – Re-Genesis. It will be the focal point of the book. Most of the action will take place in and around the mountain. Hopefully, I’ll get to it before humanity decides to blow itself up.

Side Note: Bigfoot’s Home?

Just a quick side note, it appears there are also reports of the Bigfoot race of people living on some remote areas of Mount Shasta. I guess I was right, Bigfoot does live there. Legends say that the beings are of average intelligence and possess a peaceful heart. Supposedly, they have also obtained the ability to make themselves invisible at will. This is to be able to avoid confrontation with humans. I guess we know why we can never get a good picture of one.

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