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Living 2 Peter 1:4: Embracing Our Divine Nature

Embracing Our Divine Nature

Hey there, fellow adventurers in faith!

Today, let’s dive into one of the most mind-blowing and awe-inspiring truths that we as believers get to embrace. Our participation in the divine nature through Jesus Christ. Yep, you heard me right–we’re not just ordinary folks trying to make our way through life. We’re partakers of the very nature of God Himself. So, grab a seat and let’s unpack 2 Peter 1:4, where it’s all laid out for us: “Through these he has given us his very great and precious promises, so that through them you may take part in the divine nature, having escaped the corruption in the world caused by evil desires.”

Now, before you scratch your head or wonder if you heard that correctly: you did. Yep, you–the same person who forgets where you put your keys, struggles to get out of bed in the morning, and occasionally indulges in a pint of ice cream for dinner. You are a partaker of the divine nature. How’s that for some mind-blowing news?

Let’s break it down a bit.

First off, God has given us His very great and precious promises. Now, you might be thinking, “What promises are we talking about here?” Well, we’re talking about promises like forgiveness, redemption, eternal life, and so much more. These promises aren’t just empty words on a page; they’re the very foundation of our faith and the bedrock of our hope.

And get this: through these promises, we get to take part in the divine nature. Yep, you heard me right–we get to share in the very essence of who God is. Now, I don’t know about you, but that blows my mind. It’s like being invited into the inner circle of the most exclusive club in the universe–and the best part is, there’s no membership fee or application process required.

Taking part in the divine nature isn’t just some lofty, abstract concept; you live it. It’s about living each day in the light of who we are–beloved children of God, chosen and cherished by our heavenly Father. It’s about embracing our identity as image-bearers of God and allowing his love, grace, and goodness to flow through us and into the world.

We don’t suddenly become flawless.

Nope, we’re all still works in progress, stumbling and falling along the way. But here’s the beauty of it: God’s grace is big enough to cover all our mistakes, shortcomings, and failures. He’s not looking for perfect people; he’s looking for willing hearts.

So, how do we live as partakers of the divine nature in our everyday lives? Well, for starters, it’s about staying connected to the source–Jesus Christ himself. He’s not just some distant figure from history; he’s alive and active, dwelling within every one of us through the Holy Spirit. And get this: he’s not just with us; he’s in us, empowering us to live lives that reflect his love, grace, and goodness.

Here’s the challenge.

Living as partakers of the divine nature means we can’t keep it all to ourselves. Nope, we’re called to share the good news with others. We are to be ambassadors of Christ’s love and grace in a world desperately seeking hope. It’s about extending grace to the undeserving, showing love to the unlovable, and bringing a little taste of heaven to earth wherever we go.

So, my friends

Let’s embrace our divine inheritance with open hearts and willing spirits. Let’s live each day as partakers of the divine nature. Every day allowing God’s love, grace, and goodness to flow through us and into the world. And let’s never forget that we are deeply loved, cherished, and valued by God. He has invited us into the most incredible adventure of all–the adventure of living as partakers of his divine nature,

With love and blessings,


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