Inspiration for The Genesis Codex and the Progenitor Series.
So where did the inspiration for The Genesis Codex and The Progenitor Series come from? As far back as I can remember, I’ve was fascinated with archaeology and ancient civilizations. I’ve always loved learning about ancient Egypt and Sumer and later the ancient myths of Atlantis, Lemuria, Mu, Shangri-La, and inner earth and Agartha. Archaeological Documentaries, National Geographic, and books about these things were a regular part of my growing up. When the History Channel was launched, it became a regular part of my viewing diet along with Star Trek TNG, Star Trek Voyager, Space: Above and Beyond, The Outer Limits, and Sliders. They all sparked and powered my imagination.
Even now, these older shows fuel my writing and the stories that take root in my mind. I am an explorer at heart and this stuff feeds my hunger.
Then, just two years later, Stargate SG1 was launched on Showtime. I was hooked. My two favorite things, space, and ancient civilizations all wrapped up into a neat little hour-long TV show. Not only that but it blended them so perfectly in a way that made it believable to me. You see, I’ve always believed that ancient humans were not anywhere near as primitive as we’ve made them out to believe; especially pre-flood humans. We are a creation perfect in the likeness of God. Man is not a primitive caveman no matter what evolutionists would have you believe. I believe that ancient man was highly intelligent; even more so than modern man. I’d even argue that modern man has lost a great deal of intelligence since the global flood.
Genesis, Ancient Aliens, Enoch, and Jasher!
Then Ancient Aliens came along and again I was hooked. It explained a lot of what I believed to an extent that made things more believable for me. Now, just so you know, I do not buy into the ancient aliens’ theory the way most people believe in ancient aliens. What people describe as aliens and alien beings I believe are angelic and demonic entities. I am a Christian and believe in God, Jesus, Lucifer, Angels, and Demons. Close encounters, abductions, sightings et al, I believe are demonic beings terrorizing and deceiving humanity. So, technically, they are aliens because they are not born of this earth and exist in another realm. Yes, I believe they are inter-dimensional. Remember, I loved Sliders!
My belief stems from Genesis Chapter Six where it describes the Sons of God mating with daughters of men and creating the Nephilim. The earth was corrupt, even all of humanity. Because of this, God destroyed the earth and all mankind, except Noah and his family, with the great flood. But that’s it, the Bible says no more about it. Enoch is briefly mentioned in the Bible as Noah’s great grandfather and the Book of Jasher is mentioned in 2 Samuel 1:18 and in Joshua 10:13. The books of Jasher and Enoch explain a great deal about the world during this time and the extent of the corruption and what it exactly was – the corruption of the human DNA which was made perfect and in God’s likeness. Ancient Genetic Engineering, inter-species breeding, human and child sacrifice, and a whole slew of evil and vile things were the norm. “And as it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man.” Luke 17:26.
The Genesis Codex and The Progenitor Series
So there you have the main inspirations for The Genesis Codex and The Progenitor Series. Mind you now there are other inspirations for certain aspects but I’ll write about those later on. These are the main issues that started the ball rolling in my mind. You take a few ancient books, add in some ancient legendary cities, a couple of TV shows, some advanced ancient technology, the occult, secret societies et voilà, you’ve got a conspiracy seven thousand years in the making. Sounds familiar…
If you have any questions or thoughts or comments about everything I’ve gone over or something else, please do leave a comment below.
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Sir, never heard of you before, never read your books, but I intend to find them(if I can) and do so! I love sci-fi, especially star trek and STARGATE SG1! Some of my favorite shows. Being a born again bookworm, it’s hard finding good Christian sci-fi, and fantasy. I’m a fast reader and authors just don’t publish often enough. Luckily I enjoy repeat reading. God bless your work!
Thank you Angela! Kind words. Links to my books and where they can be bought are here.