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Confront the Storm in Your Life: Charge Into The Storms

Confront the Storm

Confront The Storm

I love the spring and summer. You know why? Storms!! I love the storm season, the thunder and lightning, the rain. I love it all. Something about a storm brings peace to, calms, and relaxes me. There’s a lesson there to confront the storm in your life. 

I know quite a few people who feel the same way about storms. Granted there are those who are terrified by them but I believe most people enjoy them. I mean look at the people who have a party when a hurricane is coming. Granted they may be a little extreme, but the basics are there. They love the storm. Then you have the storm chasers. Those people who chase after tornadoes and confront the storm. Now that’s nuts right? Maybe so.

So what is it about the storm that attracts people so much? Is it just the adrenaline rush or the sheer power of it that calls to them? Sure I bet that’s exactly what it is for a lot of them. “Well,” you say, “those storm chasers are doing it for research.” True, they do. But what makes a person wake up in the morning and say, “I want to chase tornadoes for a living.”

Is it the awesomeness and power displayed in the storm? The beauty and danger combined that attracts people? I think maybe we’re onto something. Let’s take a look and see where we can see God in all this.

God in the Storm

We all know the story of Job. A man who “knew of” God and followed all His commandments yet still had not “experienced” God. God in His infinite wisdom picked a fight as it were with Satan. Saying Job was an upright man who followed after God. Satan, always roaring about LIKE a lion (1 Peter 5:8), gladly accepted the fight.         

What happens next? Job goes through hell on earth. He loses everything he has: his family, his wealth and even his friends turn against him. He even loses his health. Through all that he never once cursed God. In the end, God spoke to him in the midst of his storm.

Job 38:1:Then the LORD answered Job out of the whirlwind, and said,”

Here God starts to tell Job all about Himself ; showing Job who He was. You see, before Job just “knew of” God but he didn’t KNOW God! Look how God spoke to him “out of the whirlwind.” God was in the middle of the storm. The word whirlwind means tempest or uproar. WOW!!! God was in the storm that had come against Job. Think about that. All that suffering and all that loss so Job could get to know God and God was the force behind it!

There is another place where we see God in the midst of the storm speaking to His people. In Mark 6:45-54, we see Jesus’ disciples in a boat rowing across the sea with the wind contrary to them. The conditions were not pleasant. They see a man walking on the water in the midst of the wind and immediately think it’s a spirit. It was Jesus walking on the water in the midst of the storm. Again, we see God in the midst of a storm. What does He do here? He calls to His disciples and beckons them to come to Him – to confront the storm. WHAT?!

Into the Storm

Yeah, we all know the story. In the middle of the wind storm and tossing waves, Peter steps out of the boat and starts towards Jesus. Peter had it!! He knew about the storm he saw why storms draw us so! Jesus is in them!!  Peter was walking on the water in the middle of a storm! Peter stepped out of the boat to confront the storm. He charged into the storm because he saw his Lord Jesus was in it!

How many storms are going on in your life? What do you do when all hell breaks out against you? Do you look into it and see Jesus standing there beckoning to you to come to Him and confront the storm? Do you act as Peter did and charge head first into it with reckless abandon not caring what happens to you or what’s in store for you because you see Jesus standing there calling to you? I’d love to hear your thoughts – Leave a comment here…

CHARGE INTO YOUR STORM!!!! From W.A.R. Wisdom and Revelation available for sale on Amazon in Kindle e-Book and Paperback

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