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Ancient Civilizations and Legendary Cities – Inspiration for The Progenitor Series

Ancient Civilizations

Ancient Civilizations and Legendary Cities

Ancient Civilizations Fueling My Imagination

Atlantis, Lemuria and Mu, Shangri-La, Agartha, and Hollow Earth. The names are etched in our history and our psyche. They are primordial and mysterious. They conjure images of grandeur and a scientific utopia. Grand cities and ancient civilizations that thrived in the prehistoric world and brought progress and sophistication to what we believe was a savage and harsh environment. These are the antediluvian city-states and continents. Each one full of humans far more advanced than we are today. Legends and myths that appear as a wisp of memory in our world.

Since I was young, these mythical places and legends have always fascinated me and stirred my imagination. I would imagine Atlantean warriors riding dinosaurs and flying through the air in advanced aircraft. Ground skimmers moving through the landscape at speeds we only dream of in our current level of technology. Massive underground tunnels and caverns full of cities surrounding the massive inner world of Agartha, and Hollow Earth. My mind ran wild with all kinds of crazy and insane scenarios and scenes that only fueled my hunger for more.

Ancient Civilizations as Inspiration for The Progenitor Series

So, how do all these legends and myths come in to play in The Progenitor Series? Allow me to enlighten your curiosity. In The Genesis Temple, the short story prequel to the series, there exists an antediluvian (pre-global flood) civilization. I based this civilization on Atlantis for the simple reason that Atlantis was destroyed by an earthquake and flooding – “swallowed by the sea”, as Plato put it. Seems to me that this may have very well been the global flood spoken of in Genesis 6-8.

In Genesis 4, after Cain killed Abel, he fled to the east to the land of Nod. He had a son whom he named Enoch and named a great city after him. He built this city, in separation from God. What if this city became the headquarters of the apostasy that would culminate in Genesis 6-8? A city dedicated to scientific advancement and discovering all knowledge, to alchemy, to sorcery, and all sorts of ungodly pursuits in direct opposition to God. All myths and legends have a basis in fact. What if this first great city was the basis for the fabled Atlantis?

Other Ancient Cities and Civilizations?

I have five total books planed for the Progenitor Series. I plan each one of these books to feature one, or even two, ancient lost cities or civilizations. For instance, The Genesis Codex, Book 1 of the Progenitor Series, has as its major location the Bosnian Pyramids. This happens to be the modern day location of the Temple of Knowledge (The Genesis Temple Prequel). Other locations I’m considering for the books in the series include Shangri-La, Mount Shasta, Shambhala, Hyperborea, Thule, El Dorado, Avalon, Stonehenge, and Mohenjo Daro just to name a few.

Many ancient locations around the world are a complete mystery to us. There will be no lack of fodder to feed my insatiable imagination. There are even several in Africa, Australia and the United States I’m considering for other stories. My problem is not one of a lack of options, but one of too many options. I’m not sure which to choose. I can’t wait to see what plays out next!

If you have any questions or thoughts or comments about everything I’ve gone over or something else, please do leave a comment below.

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